Note that the red wire must be connected to the positive electrode, and the black wire to the negative electrode. Otherwise, the fan and pump will be burned out.
The next step in 3D printing
We’ve reached the limits of what air-cooled 3D printing can do.This kit contains everything you need to upgrade your printer for water-cooling.
01.Fan Cooling
We’ve reached the limits of what’s possible with HotEnd fans mounted on the print-head.This combination fan and radiator is much larger and more efficient than what’s achievable with air-cooling systems.This also makes it quieter,and very low-vibration.
02.Easy to use
By limiting the number of parts,we’ve made this kit easier to use than any water-cooling system we’ve seen for 3D printing before.The parts fit together snugly,and have been designed for neat and ergonomic building.
Our kit design is based on standard computer cooling components,allowing users to adapt and expand on the kit as they wish,to cool additional HotEnds or even motors and extruders inside the print envelope.With 4mm outer diameter/2.5mm inner diameter silicone tubing,it’s also compatible with most water cooling systems.
This kit can be used with any water-based coolant from Purified H2O to popular UV-toned brands.
Suitable for any machine that requires a water-cooled fan, such as the Vzbot water-cooled kit
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